Our Beliefs
The Old Catholics in Nigeria are Catholics who are faithful to the leadership and teachings of Jesus Christ recorded in the Scriptures, and the traditions handed down by the Apostles (Acts 2:42), by rejecting all precepts, doctrines and dogmas that are anti-Christ, anti-Scriptures and anti-Apostolic. Salvation being the sole aim of the Church, it is only what is in line with the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible and the traditions handed down by the Apostles that form the faith and beliefs of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church in Nigeria.
 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. - Acts 2:42
The Old Catholics in Nigeria are Catholics who are faithful to the leadership and teachings of Jesus Christ recorded in the Scriptures, and the traditions handed down by the Apostles (Acts 2:42), by rejecting all precepts, doctrines and dogmas that are anti-Christ, anti-Scriptures and anti-Apostolic. Salvation being the sole aim of the Church, it is only what is in line with the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Bible and the traditions handed down by the Apostles that form the faith and beliefs of the Old Catholic Apostolic Church in Nigeria.